Project Overview
South Dakota cow-calf producers face substantial risk. Although often excellent production managers, they may lack aptitude or skills to manage risk. Many recognize this and are motivated to improve risk management skills. We trained producers to identify their sources of risk and develop their risk management ability. A planned training feature was for each participant to develop a strategic plan and to produce a balanced scorecard. Although participants acknowledged the value of written planning and actively participated in discussion of strategic planning and the balanced scorecard during sessions, none were willing to complete a written plan or balanced scorecard. Four training sessions were completed at each of three locations to fulfill educational needs about practices to manage risk. In the first session at each location, producers chose among alternatives for the sessions about management, financial, marketing, legal, and production practices. We tailored the course to participant needs and desires, which substantially enhanced their “buy-in” to the course. Participants engaged in the sessions and provided positive feedback on the final written evaluation of the program. The vast majority of participants voiced interest in converting the groups into self-sustaining learning communities as IRM groups.
Number of Participants: 31
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