Project Overview
Small vegetable and fruit farmers in the 4-Corners region have scaled up and expanded high tunnel production to meet the increasing demand from Southwest Farm Fresh distribution cooperative; wholesale markets serving tourism; increased Farmer's Market attendance and a Farm to School aggregate center. Along with this increase in production comes surpluses and seconds that result when your crop plan must meet larger production targets.
Value added production (VAP) can diversify income if the producer has the necessary skills to navigate financial, food safety and marketing issues. This project addressed regulatory requirements, budgets, product development, and packaging for VAP at a winter seminar (15). Cottage Food Bill certification courses (43) and 3 market research opportunities at local farmers markets were completed. A VAP resource guide was developed and 4 newsletters were distributed. Three labor listening sessions were conducted to solicit input from local farmers about skills needed, financial willingness to hire workers and insurance requirements. A small labor cooperative pilot was conducted in September, 2018 by providing trained supervisors to work with volunteers.
Number of Participants: 75
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