Project Overview
Oahu RC&D utilized on-farm workshops and internet / social media platforms to inform, engage and inspire women producers on the risk management topics of Agritourism, Marketing, and Value-added Enterprises. These topics are vital to farm profitability in Hawaii due to high costs of inputs and land, and are valuable tools to generate capital that can support increased production and profitability.
A total of three on-farm workshops were held, utilizing farmer-to-farmer learning models and featuring local women producers who have successfully employed some or all of the priority risk management tools. The on-farm workshops included presentations and local-style networking (aka “talk story”) on agritourism, marketing and value-added production. The featured expert farmer(s) led a behind-the-scenes tour of the host farm where participants saw risk management tools in action.
Funds were also used to present information at a local agriculture conference, and to distribute project-related resources and foster a network of women farmers through social media. More than 200 women farmers joined the conversation, forming a statewide community that can share information and support.
Number of Participants: 160
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