Project Overview
This project served as an extension of previous risk management education for farmers residing in American Samoa, by providing one-on-one consultations. The project took 100 participants, who wanted to implement record keeping or develop new marketing strategies but did not, and carried them on the next step – that of actually keeping financial records or actually developing the new marketing strategy and implementing them. The project has also taken those who began record keeping practices, and those who developed new marketing strategies, the next step to develop complete business plans that can be submitted for loans. Lastly, the project has developed a simplified translated farm record book in Samoan and Tongan languages, for local farmers´ better understanding. The project has used forms from the various lending/assistance organizations like USDA-FSA, to be translated to aid the Samoan and Tongan farmers. Lastly, the project has helped participants get loans for their small businesses.
Number of Participants: 100
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