Project Overview
Grain prices doubled within a year, then collapsed, then took off again in late 2010. Costs of production also experienced variability. Combined with volatile grain prices, this greatly increased Great Plains grain farmers’ risk exposure. Also complicating the risk management landscape for producers were government programs, including SURE and ACRE programs. There is much uncertainty inherent in these programs and producers need help making decisions regarding these programs.
This project utilized two primary methods for education. First was the use of webinars to reach a wide and geographically diverse audience with timely education about the SURE and ACRE programs with 1383 total participants. The second method was smaller workshops using a case study problem, with producers managing a typical grain farm during an upcoming marketing year, making marketing decisions using various insurance, futures, and options alternatives and eligibility requirements for the SURE and ACRE programs. Seven workshops were presented to 141 participants, targeting wheat, feedgrain and soybean producers in Kansas, Nebraska and Ohio. Six months after the series, nearly 100% of those responding were utilizing at least one risk management tool covered in the workshop and nearly half had changed crop insurance type or coverage to ensure eligibility for SURE.
Number of Participants: 1524
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