Barley Risk Management Education Project, Phase VI, built on past risk management education programs that have reached more than 5,100 grain producers across Idaho and capitalized on our strengths including: broad network of educational experts from extension and the private sector; excellent grower outreach; and strong emerging interest by younger generation producers, as demonstrated by their high participation levels in workshops and webinars conducted in fall 2012. 2013-14 components included:
1. Next Generation Farmer Advisory Panel was convened to help us effectively reach a wider audience of younger producers through a mix of social media;
2. Mix of webinars and traditional workshops on grain marketing outlook, strategies and technical trends; farm support programs and weather were offered. Total of 6 webinars were conducted, reaching 776 people.
3. Southern Idaho Extension - 2015 Idaho Ag Outlook and Farm Bill & Crop Insurance workshops were offered in December 2014.
4. North Idaho Extension - another installment of Keeping the Legacy Alive estate planning education was conducted.
5. Dissemination of grain market pricing and outlook information.
6. Continued educational programs (second year) targeted at Idaho Women in Agriculture.