Project Overview
The Native Rancher Short-course was implemented twice. It addressed risk management areas of Finances, Marketing, Legal, Production and Human Resources. University Extension specialists and various Agency professional experts taught on how to develop a Business Plan, Conservation Plan, Wills/Estate Planning and Recordkeeping. Additional topics included the Brand Inspection Regulations and the BIA Permitting Process. The participants will use these tools to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment. The targeted audience were native men and women ranchers located on the Navajo Nation in the Four Corners Region. In February, a series of four workshops were conducted each week with two hours of presentation and two hours of hands-on activity. Participants learned to develop a business plan, conservation plan, wills/estate planning and recordkeeping. The Project was limited to 20 participants but 21 participated. With developed plans and record books, the participants can easily qualify for USDA program assistance. The second short-course was presented again in April. Only 5 participated plus the project team for a total of ten. The four major topics were presented for two hours each. The Recordkeeping one included a Beef Quality Assurance Certification portion of which 8 of us were certified by taking a test. Two Rangeland Assessment Evaluation workshops were also conducted on May 23 and May 28 at the Pinedale Chapter house and in Shiprock at the NMSU Tribal Extension office with 13 participants for the first workshop and 18 participants for the second one. Tool kits were distributed so that the participants can evaluate forages on their rangeland in relation to livestock capacity. The last Native Rancher Short-course was presented on September 13, 2013 at the Teec Nos Pos Chapter where 40 people participated. The risk management areas addressed were production and financials. A presentation on herd health & practices was conducted with live cattle demos. A Range Management assessment evaluation was conducted with tool kits passed out to participants. A Recordkeeping presentation was conducted with record books given out to participants as well.
Number of Participants: 66
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