Project Overview
This project provided assistance to shellfish growers to develop farm plans that incorporate best management practices, as detailed in the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association’s Environmental Codes of Practice. The farm plan will serve a two-fold purpose.
First, by adopting best management practices, growers are eligible to participate in an environmental certification program for farmed Pacific Coast shellfish, part of a larger strategic marketing program. Secondly, the individual farm plans serve as a foundation to help growers assure they are in compliance with and covered under required permits and regulations, including new Army Corps of Engineers permits.
Growers were provided assistance in developing their farm plans through workshops held in 8 regions along the West Coast (Alaska to California), which culminated in a ninth workshop at the annual PCSGA conference, with participating growers from all states. In addition, individual, one-on-one technical assistance was made available. A total of 122 growers participated in workshops, with at least 26 successfully completing their individual farm plans.
Number of Participants: 127
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