Project Overview
After conducting Risk Management Education (RME) last year, we have realized that many family nursery and vegetable operations do not have a good understanding of their break-even costs of production and the need to market their products above break-even production costs. This situation places these growers on very tenuous financial stability. In addition, most family nursery operations do not realize that federally subsidized crop insurance programs are available to reduce their production and financial risk. Western Growers Association has also found that many of these small operations do not have life insurance policies -- placing their survival at risk. Thus, we have developed RME tools and materials for family nursery and vegetable producers that address calculating and managing production costs, managing inventory and crop mix decisions as they relate to marketing decisions, and utilizing crop and life insurance to avoid financial disasters. We have developed budgeting tools to assist in calculating nursery and vegetable costs of production.
Number of Participants: 962
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