Project Overview
This project addressed the human resources and financial risks landowners and land seekers face as they transition farm businesses. We specifically addressed topics in family wellness, business climate, and resiliency using multiple delivery methods.
The first part of this project was the Nebraska Land Link. This service allows retiring landowners with no heir and land seekers to go through an application and vetting process to be matched. Once matched, retirees and land seekers will work to eventually transfer farm businesses between the matched parties. These funds were used to make Nebraska Land Link website an arsenal of resources related to farm estate/transition planning and farmland access. Matches have also been coached through the transition process via follow-up calls and meetings. To date, the Land Link program has 159 land seekers and 9 landowners. In early 2022, the program had its first successful match.
The second part of the project was a farm transition webinar series for land seekers focused on family wellness and business climate and resiliency topics. Eleven webinars were completed, with 404 participants.
Finally, this grant reinvigorated the Returning to the Farm workshop, for college students and their families. This educational event included a two-day in-person workshop and two virtual sessions. The Returning to the Farm workshop host 48 people. Three families in attendance are working on a written transition plan.
Number of Participants: 618
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