This project provided an opportunity for a cross section of producers, subject matter experts and leaders of agricultural organizations to identify common barriers to profitability and identify strategies to mitigate risk. Annie's Project (APEFW) coordinated with Pennsylvania Farmers Union and National Dairy Producers to host an in-person meeting and follow-up phone conference meetings for dairy producers including the Amish Community.
Annie's worked with Annie's Program Coordinators in the Northeast to review, revise, promote, deliver and evaluate Know Your Numbers Know Your Options (KYNKYO) virtual courses for NE producers. We modified previously developed KYKYO curriculum to better fit the diverse operations of the Northeast. We held two sets courses. One set during evenings one during the day for four weeks each. During these same weeks we offered a webinar a week. Podcasts were developed using both materials developed from webinars along with stand alone podcasts looking at ways to improve profitability and reduce barriers to profitability.
Partners have been disseminating what they have produced through their respective communications channels and will continue to do so.
We are unable to document all participants. It is estimated that we have reached more participants than documented due to the unique nature of some participants.