Project Overview
Soil Health for Ranch Success provided educational and networking opportunities to assess and manage production, market, financial and human risk. Target participants include producers wanting to better understand: how a healthy soil improves productivity and prosperity, livestock producers exploring managed grazing, alternative forage crops, ranching economics, market demands and cost management. Almost 600 Kansas producers participated in 5933 hours of programming, including two conferences, a three-day grazing school, 8.5 full-day workshops and several hands-on learning opportunities.
Producers better understand grazing systems and soil health in hands-on pasture/cover crop settings, ranch economics, agroforestry, grazing 101, mycorrhizal fungi, livestock water and fencing, carbon sequestration and low stress livestock handling. Producers evaluated grazing practices, the soil and grass beneath their feet on home operations. Participants implemented a strategy relating to soil health improvement, grazing management, water or fence design, agroforestry, or improved financial management.
Number of Participants: 599
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