Project Overview
This project launched a pilot peer group of North Carolina dairymen, part of whom learned to utilize and adopted Dairy Profit Monitor. Dairy Profit Monitor (DPM) is a business management program from Cornell University that allows dairy producers to enter herd and financial data online every month and provides immediate feedback. The original focus of the pilot peer group was DPM; however, only part of the peer group members adopted DPM and utilized it on a regular basis. More producers than DPM adopters were committed to the idea of a dairy peer group focused on business management, however, so the original focus of DPM shifted to a secondary position behind general business management topics that surfaced based on 1) expressed needs of the group members and 2) leadership of the facilitator. This project spurred a dairy producer peer group that is committed to meeting and learning together in the future.
Number of Participants: 6
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