Project Overview
This project attempts to provide a bilingual “Business Planning” guide to Latino, African American and Asian farmers and ranchers to help them be successful producers. With NCR-RME funding, the University of Missouri’s Sustainable Agriculture Program has been conducting risk management workshops for Latino producers. It became evident that additional tools are needed. Other minority farmers, African American and Asian, do not have such tools available or the knowledge either. This guide, specifically designed for minority farmers, will provide details, examples, and worksheets on writing a business plan including farm history and family values, vision/goals, production planning, resource management, marketing strategies, and monitoring/evaluation. Agriculture business, horticulture, dairy, and small livestock extension specialists will help develop the guide. Six minority farmers will review it before printing and other farmers will provide input on its usefulness. We will distribute 700 guides to minority farmers and train a few to help others use it.
Number of Participants: 0
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