Project Overview
One of the challenges of building a financial plan is making realistic assumptions about prices of both inputs and commodities for sale. Others are to find the right platform to perform financial projections and to carry out effective producer education.
The project team performed the proposed work: 1) identified and provided access to the data, 2) provided guidance on price projection and, 3) developed a new computer-based tool to perform the analysis and make the annual projection.
Due to lack of interest, fifteen small group training\monitoring sessions of 10-12 dairy managers\group (following 5 large group trainings) were offered but were not held held throughout Wisconsin to build annual financial plans focusing specifically on cash flow requirements. Monitoring and support was offered to those who did use the tool.
Our prediction that this approach would have broad appeal\application due to the program’s potential to improve financial stability of participants allowing them to achieve economic and family missions was 50% realized. It does have broad application and potential but it did not have broad appeal to producers, educators or service providers. It seems our needs assessment is confirmed although the communication of value and the resulting “want” by industry participants is yet to be realized.
Number of Participants: 38
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There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.