Project Overview
Small farms and ranches in the Intermountain West are increasingly vulnerable to a broad range of impacts from climate change, drought and wildfires. The risks of these unpredictable but potentially catastrophic events are profound. Building resilience on farms and ranches can be accomplished through intentional site-specific design and management techniques. Our unique training, delivered through workshops and classes, resource sheets and virtual video site visits, included permaculture design techniques and biomass management instruction. These affordable actions reduce the intensity of wildfires and drought on forest, brush, grass- and crop-lands while improving soil quality, moisture conservation, wildlife habitat and income streams. Relying on a combination of traditional forgotten practices and scientific knowledge, practical, applicable solutions and emerging value-add opportunities were shared. Follow-up survey respondents reported that they all shared their new knowledge with others and all either planned, implemented or upscaled the conservation techniques that they learned.
Number of Participants: 74
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