Project Overview
More than half the cropland in the North Central Region is rented. Rental rate and leasing information is highly sought by both landlords and tenants. Objective materials that help guide sensitive negotiations on cash, crop-share, variable-cash, pasture, building machinery and other leases arrangements is highly valued.
The project developed multi-state materials to help producers and land owners discuss and resolve issues to avoid legal risk and guide both land owners and renters towards informed and equitable decisions.
This grant allowed a team of economists and attorneys to create new video and web based teaching materials for educators and producers throughout the North Central Region. The videos and teaching materials are hosted by the Center for Farm Financial Management. The project URL is
In addition to individual state level leasing workshops and webinars were conducted in various formats in several states within the region.
The teaching materials and web resources will are used by state and county level Extension instructors to conduct producer land rent / leasing workshops throughout the region.
Number of Participants: 2500
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.