Project Overview
This project addressed production, marketing, and financial risk management for producers interested in adding winter malting barley production to their farming operation. Malting barley production is risky, as it requires careful management to maximize yield while maintaining quality. Contracts, insurance, and financial planning help minimize marketing and financial risks. The project goal was to minimize risks for producers transitioning to winter malting barley production and was met through two field days, virtual meeting, a production guide, and enterprise budget. Producers assessed their current operation to see if they should transition to winter malting barley production. Producers implemented risk management practices and financial planning. Approximately 300 producers benefited from this project, directly through extension programming or indirectly through accessing information online. This project addressed the priority of rethinking producers’ marketing strategies due to current international trade policy. Trade tariffs cause producers great concern when marketing crops. Barley grain can be sold directly and locally at a premium price, allowing for an additional source of revenue. Furthermore, soybean can be planted after barley harvest, allowing two crops to be harvested in the same year. The project was evaluated by assessing change in actions to manage risks.
Number of Participants: 97
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