Project Overview
Cattle producers are experiencing ever increasing costs of production. Additionally, Colorado’s producers have experienced drought over the last several years. This project proposes to provide cow-calf producers with the skills to better manage for the production and financial risks faced by their operations. A series of two workshops at one location will be conducted to guide participants through a process of 1) determining current financial situation, costs of production, risk preferences, and sources of risk; 2) developing goals and objectives for both their businesses and families; and 3) implementing goal-oriented management strategies. RightRisk courses (AGR-Lite Revenue Insurance, Alternative Enterprises, and Ag Survivor) established tools (e.g. RDFinancial) will be used to provide experiential learning opportunities and take home materials for sustained learning. Finally, an electronic medium (e.g. Adobe Connect) will be used to provide a distance learning educational opportunity for workshop participants to interact with speakers.
Number of Participants: 90
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