Project Overview
This project is to extend to over 200 Missouri crop producers a program, called Horizon Point - initially designed for livestock producers to manage the land application of manure in uncertain weather conditions. The project addresses production risk by educating producers and providing regular advisories on the impact of weather conditions/forecasts on management decisions. Farmers receive training at conferences and will subscribe to receive emailed reports containing site-specific weather information and advisories for their location.
The project would add additional information and "advisories" to the existing program. Horizon Point currently provides soil temperature, wind speed and direction, and weed emergence advisories that are of interest to crop producers. We want to add more growing degree day dependent advisories (e.g. insect growth) and an advisory for managing stored grain quality by using humidity and temperature to manage aeration. We also need to write extension guides that teach farmers how to use the weather products and advisories that are available.
Number of Participants: 210
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