Diverse educational opportunities provided access to farm succession and family health crisis learning materials. Pennsylvania farmers accessed the materials through in-depth workshops, trade show exhibits, and a webpage devoted to the topics. In addition, a printed document, Aging Safely, was developed to address potential health crisis situations. Aging Safely was organized in a manner that other states could adapt it for their use.
Two workshops with 46 participants blended the topics of family communication, financial, legal, business and tax implications of farm succession, along with quality of life and safety considerations for aging farm family members. Follow-up surveys indicated 89% of participants had completed farm succession action steps, and 89% had discussed potential aging challenges with family, friends and professionals.
Aging Safely addresses issues of deteriorating cognitive, physical skills and family health crisis. Forty-six participants learned about available resources, services and emergency helps. Laws relating to challenges farm families face when the senior generation refuses medical care were reviewed. Aging Safely resources also provided professional senior health information to 200 people who received it.
A web-based farm succession and family resource page was developed allowing families to access farm succession and Aging Safely materials 24/7. Links to other valuable succession and senior health resources were also provided.