Project Overview
This project has exceeded the number of Wind Risk Management workshops goaled. The target goal was 5 workshops and 300 participants. Twelve (12) workshops were completed because of partnering and the leveraging of resources. The actual number of workshop participants was 551. This is considered excellent attendance because only small communities were targeted for workshops. A much larger number of people were reached and continue to be reached via the created Ag. energy web site.
The number of landowner technical assists was 126 with 13 being repeats. 113 different individuals were therefore provided professional assistance by wind risk management experts. Many tools were presented to participants as a result of this project and a web site was developed, " This site is up and running and has been secured for 2 more years of maintenance by the project collaborators. That means it will continue to inform landowners about where to go for the latest information about wind risk management financial information.
Project collaborators, having expertise and experience with risk management tools, were speakers at the workshops and also provided technical assistance free of charge to the farmers, ranchers, landowners and others.
Number of Participants: 551
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.