Project Overview
Washington State University, the University of Idaho and the non-profit Rural Roots (the Cultivating Success partnership) offered an educational program to train agricultural producers to manage: 1) Price and market risk, 2) Financial risk, 3) Institutional risk, and 4) Human or personal risk. To achieve our targets, we:
•Identified and evaluated a range of existing curricula on farm business planning.
•Developed a new farm business planning curriculum title "Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Business Planning" to meet the risk management needs of Washington and Idaho farmers and ranchers.
•Marketed and conducted two train-the-trainer workshops to 34 extension educators.
•Supported the instructors in marketing and conducting courses (ten sessions long) that train 250 Washington and Idaho producers to develop and implement farm business plans.
•Conducted outreach on the project at the National SARE conference (summer, ´06) and at the National Small Farms Conference (fall, ´05).
Number of Participants: 125
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There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.