Project Overview
We hosted two state-wide conferences and two smaller, regional conferences in conjunction with the Oklahoma State University-led comprehensive producer education program called the Master Cattlemen
Program. These conferences addressed timely issues related to risk management that will help producers mitigate the effects of drought. These conferences reached a very diverse audience of over 200 beef producers, including first-generation beginning producers up to feedlot operators and large cattle producers . Topics ranged from production strategies and assessment, to business risk management and marketing. Additionally, our program disseminated materials that targeted new producers, those with small to mid-sized operations, those producers with traditional operations who work off the farm or ranch, and large operators that derive their income from cattle enterprises. Educational programs focused on hands-on experience, including topics such as case studies, forage assessment, and water management. Advertisement for the conferences was widely distributed to producers in the state of Oklahoma as well as specifically targeted previous Master Cattlemen graduates and enrollees.
Number of Participants: 229
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There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.