Project Overview
Utah Beef producers face multiple sources of risk due to the unique production environment they operate in. Utah beef producers are exposed to dramatic variation in precipitation, ambient
temperatures and natural disasters. We will use a systems approach to illustrate and develop workshop curriculum to assists producers mitigate the impacts of production shortfalls from climatic events, changes in input costs, scaling up, and price risks. This
grant has had to be modified because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We had
originally proposed a series of workshops throughout Utah but this was not
possible. Our USU marketing team was bombarded with university classes going
online and so that caused a delay in developing material. To accommodate that
disruption, we decided to develop a series of podcasts. This also meant that we
had to learn how to develop and publish podcasts. In total, over 5,000 people were reached due with these podcasts. These
podcasts were posted to the USU Extension Beef Cattle Facebook page. Facebook
also tracks not only people reached but engagements. Engagements are simply
those that share, like, or comment on content. In all, there were 631 estimated
engagements with the podcasts.
Number of Participants: 631
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.