Project Overview
This project provided information to veterans and active
military on many risk management topics, concentrating on financial, legal, and
production risks. This information was provided in two ways. One was through individual consultations. These consultations provide specific
information to individuals, with 111 veterans/active military participating over
the life of the grant. Information was also provided through informational
meetings. The original proposal was to
host in-person events throughout Iowa, but the delivery method was changed and
six on-line Lunch and Learn Series sessions were conducted. A
larger statewide meeting was to follow but was also changed to an on-line platform
and a second Lunch and Learn series. The subjects for both series involved
information on the five agricultural risks and how to mitigate them. While our goal was to provide programming in person, the
on-line platform has provided an opportunity for the information to continue to
be shared. This resulted in a much later
audience having access to this programming and information. To date, 1206 views of the videos have taken
place on-line, which is far higher than the expected in person attendance.
Number of Participants: 111
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.