Project Overview
This project addresses legal risks surrounding 3rd party injury due to pesticide movement, specifically the use of dicamba resistant, or Xtend, soybeans. In 2017, there were over 2,700 complaints to state departments of agriculture throughout the eastern United States. Extension weed scientists estimate that over 3.6 million acres were injured by off-target applications of dicamba. Crops affected ranged from soybeans to fruit trees to garden plants to cantaloupes. We developed an extension curriculum to educate on the legal risks of 3rd party pesticide injury, including the use and limitations for crop and general liability insurance. The extension curriculum was made available to all states within the North Central Region. Each respective states’ Section 24(c) labels were included in the material. Presentations before farmers and crop advisers were made in multiple regional conferences in Missouri. In addition, we also presented in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana to state certified crop adviser meetings. The fluidity of the laws and problems with Dicamba made this a particularly difficult project. In addition, the sensitivity (people did not want to discuss their problems) added to the challenge of presenting on this subject.
Number of Participants: 471
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