Project Overview
The beef industry contributes over half of farm revenue in Kansas, but has low use of Federal crop insurance. Cow-calf producers face multiple financial and educational barriers to using livestock and forage insurance products. Many of these producers have limited understanding of their cost of production and breakeven prices, which is necessary for them to fully benefit from available risk management tools. We developed excel-based tools and used existing online calculators and provided trainings for both extension educators and producers. We analyzed different price risk management strategies and shared results with service providers and producers. To comprehensively address barriers to awareness of insurance tools applicable to cow-calf producers, we presented to key service providers (lenders and crop insurance agents) an overview of all livestock products and detailed examples of Pasture, Rainfall, Forage (PRF) and Livestock Risk Protection (LRP), which are most relevant for cow-calf producers. Timely information on livestock insurance products was provided on and other K-State extension websites. All training activities were evaluated using written or online evaluation and we also tracked visits to where tools and resources were posted. An estimated 2,560 producers and service providers had meaningful participation in this project through meeting participation, webinars, and website visits/downloads of the resources.
Number of Participants: 1733
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