Project Overview
Identifying that time when producers are ready to move from hand tools to implements can be challenging but at some point the economic, physical and labor factors will move a producer in that direction. With this decision comes increased risks and hazards associated with introducing tractors and equipment to a small farm. It is important for the producer to correctly evaluate the economics of purchasing versus renting versus contracting the work.
We assisted producers who wish to transition to this new production style by hosting two Spring demonstration (field) days. These events allowed farmers to see different types of tractors and implements in action and interact with peer farmers. Smaller scale farmers in the Four-Corners ill evaluated mechanized methods for tillage, planting, cultivation, weeding and harvesting (100). In addition to the demonstrations, two additional workshops will be held to reinforce farm safety practices (150) and address small engine repair topics (10).
Six participants complete a 7-module tractor and equipment course taught by local instructors during Winter, 2019. In addition to farm safety topics, this course increased their knowledge of tractor and implement options, operation and maintenance.
Number of Participants: 225
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