Project Overview
USU and UH partnered with RMA to deliver risk management training to beef cattle producers in Hawaii. Educational topics were aimed at Hawaii cattle producers and included: Understanding market price risk for feeder cattle and the risk management tools; evaluating production risk associated with retaining ownership of calves, especially risks associated with grass finishing cattle in Hawaii; and obtaining an enhanced understanding of basic financial record keeping with an ability to determine true costs of production and break-even prices for various enterprises.
Online educational materials (fact sheets) were developed as well as six web-based decision support tools. These materials were presented to beef cattle producers located in Hawaii. A virtual presentation was given in conjunction with Hawaii Cattlemen's Council annual meeting. Five separate pod cast were accomplished addressing marketing, financial and production risk, with one focusing on the use of the retained ownership decision support tools. Another virtual presentation highlighting the tools was done on the Livestock Pau Hana put on by extension faculty for the Hawaii cattle industry. We met individually with 10 different producers to test the decision support tools. Producers felt the tools would be a benefit to them in their calf marketing.
Number of Participants: 130
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