Project Overview
This project addressed production, market, financial, and legal risk management issues among beginning, limited resource, and socially disadvantaged (SD) specialty crop producers. It educated participants about how to identify and mitigate risk, navigate disaster assistance programs, and understand crop insurance options. The project convened farmers, community partners, insurance agents, and educators to identify existing resources and technical assistance that were compiled, reviewed and adapted to meet the needs of beginning and SD producers as a strategy to address risk management issues faced by this population. Risk management education was delivered in English and Spanish through a webinar series, virtual workshop at the annual Michigan Family Farms Conference, hosting "Cultivating your Legally Resilient Farm" workshops presented by Farm Commons in English along with translating the course and its materials into Spanish for online delivery. We also created a farmer and educator resource bank housed on Michigan Food and Farming Systems’ website featuring recorded webinars, bilingual outreach and education materials and resources. This project reached at least 98 SD producers, of which 80% reported increased knowledge and understanding about risk management on farms.
Number of Participants: 98
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