Project Overview
Human resource management is an essential, yet often overlooked aspect of many farm operations. Nearly half of California farms employ hired labor, yet many lack the tools with which to effectively manage their labor force. The need has become increasingly apparent in recent years, as farm labor shortages have resulted in losses for many farmers. Demand for food from farms with good labor conditions is also increasing, presenting important opportunities for farmers able to access these markets. This project offered tools and information to improve farm labor management practices, via 10 workshops reaching 206 growers. This project involved a collaboration of the California Institute for Rural Studies, the Community Alliance with Family Farmers, the Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association, University of California Cooperative Extension, and various other grower organizations. Growers currently utilizing positive farm labor management practices also helped to design and implement this effort, and sharing information about their farm labor management practices and experiences with other growers.
Number of Participants: 206
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