Project Overview
This Project sought, in part, to educate ranchers about upcoming
regulatory changes in animal disease traceability (specifically a USDA proposal
to require Radio Frequency ID tags for all sexually-intact cattle over 18 months
of age) and to provide a venue for ranchers to engage directly with government
officials regarding the proposal. Participants learned about the proposed regulatory change, and many provided verbal
(and later, written) feedback to USDA regarding the proposal. While USDA
rescinded the proposal 20 days later, the agency re-noticed the proposal in late
2020, meaning the information gleaned by ranchers (and the input provided to
government officials) continues to have value.
The Project also sought to educate and assist ranchers in
employing voluntary third-party traceability technologies that would add value to their business. A workshop on voluntary traceability programs was
held which (1) overviewed the types of voluntary third-party traceability
programs available and (2) analyzed the data regarding the return-on-investment
of such traceability programs. 133 ranchers attended the workshop, with many
survey respondents stating that they learned new information about voluntary traceability programs and some of those participants reporting that
they subsequently enrolled in such programs and saw
added market value in their herds as a result.
Number of Participants: 173
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.