Project Overview
This project addressed producers underserved by crop
insurance with targeted programming to enhance economic viability through risk
management. The primary sources of risk for producers in Utah and Navajo Nation
are financial stress and production risk. The project enabled producers to
thoughtfully consider positive and negative changes to their operation.
Producers gained the skills to conduct a thorough analysis of their existing
situation, map out alternatives and develop a course of action best suited for
their situation. For Native American (NA) farmers programming was culturally appropriate and incorporate unique jurisdictional issues that cause
increased regulatory risk.
included: 1) Native American workshops were not help due to Covid restrictions; 2) dairy: two 2-hour online workshops; 3)
specialty crop producers: 2-day Urban and Small Farms Conference and
online/individual assistance and 4) Traditional farmers -1 half-hour
presentation on crop insurance at crops schools and other meetings. Only one online crop school was held due to Covid restrictions.
Project reached 376 producers. Due to online presentations and Covid restrictions, we were unable to complete our evaluation plan.
Number of Participants: 376
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There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.