Project Overview
Idaho producers attended educational trainings on managing production, marketing, and legal risks of producing organic potatoes. Project participants were located in southern Idaho and grew 30 to thousands of acres of potatoes each year. Growers learned about risk management topics during two field days, two workshops, a newsletter, and one-on-one consulting. After the September 2008 field days, 19 participants committed to implementing at least one new organic pest management practice. In November 2008, 21 workshop participants committed to contacting an organic food buyer to develop their marketing plan and 19 committed to improving their record keeping. At an introductory presentation in January 2009, six participants improved their understanding of organic potato enterprise budgeting. By December 2009 and as a result of the educational trainings, nine participants improved their record keeping, 16 updated their organic potato production and marketing plans, and 25 implemented a new organic method learned at the trainings.
Number of Participants: 175
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