Project Overview
The project goal is to educate producers about intergenerational transfers between the exiting generation and the beginning or entering farmer or rancher. In North Dakota the average age of a principal farm or ranch operator has risen from 51.4 years in 1997 to 56.5 years (Census of Agriculture). Only 16 percent of operators are under 30 years old (North Dakota Farm Business Management Program). There is a need for education on farm transfers. There is always a human factor in discussing or analyzing intergenerational transfer, but this project will focus on the financial and business risk areas. Decision tools will be developed to analyze machinery and livestock transfer strategies. Financial and tax implications will be addressed. Participants will learn about these topics and develop transfer strategies. The project will be delivered throughout North Dakota with workshops in four or more locations. It is estimated that 200 people will participate.
Number of Participants: 444
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