Project Overview
The Training Sessions for Native American Producers – North
Central Region Project addressed Production Risks, Financial Risks, and Human
Risks through provision of direct outreach and education to farmers, ranchers and
the landowners of agricultural land living in reservation communities in the
North Central Region. ILTF hosted fourteen workshops for Native Americans, with
245 producers/landowners served over the term of the project.
As a result of the workshops, 245 producers/landowners are better
positioned to understand the risks and analyze and develop appropriate options
around: 1) the Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations, the federal program through
which landowners can sell their ownership interests in reservation land to the
tribe or purchase interests sold by co-owners (Financial), 2) carbon
sequestration, the USDA CRP and other conservation programs (Financial), 3) the
American Indian Probate Reform Act (AIPRA) and its impact on estate planning
(Human), and 4) buffalo ranching as an alternative production enterprise
Number of Participants: 245
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