Project Overview
This proposal has six objectives: (1) offering more comprehensive Farm Management Extension Schools in at least two locations in Idaho; (2) developing expanded educational features (production and market payoff matrixes) for the RightRisk Ag Survivor simulation game that was developed in 2007 for Idaho barley, wheat and livestock producers (Mountain View Farms);(3) providing intensive training to a minimum of two county extension faculty (train the trainers) to be held in conjunction with a producer training (both basic and intermediary) session on RightRisk Ag Survivor simulation game and other risk management tools; (4)widely disseminating the RightRisk Ag Survivor tool to producers throughout the state via direct mail and local workshops; (5) conduct minimum of Winning the Game Grain Marketing Workshops; and (6) disseminating current grain market outlook and analysis through weekly and periodic Idaho grain market reports.
Number of Participants: 110
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