The Risk Management Education to Urban Farmers in Texas project provided educational training and to non-traditional urban agricultural producers. Most of the farmers operated within a 50 mile radius of Houston, Texas and produced crops for direct on-farm sales and sales at farmers markets.
Majority of these farmers were new to agriculture and hadn't been introduced to risk management education. They benefited from exposure to information on production, marketing and financial management.
Over 800 farmers participated in at least one training session on Crop Production, Business Planning, Marketing or Legal Risks. They were exposed to USDA programs and other valuable resources. Fifty-two (52) farmers were assisted on an intensive basis. As a result, producers completed 38 business plans, 31 marketing plans, and 47 farmers implemented recordkeeping systems. Several participants acquired operating funds through USDA and other financial sources. Additionally, 41 producers better understand legal risksand 31expanded their previous markets.