Project Overview
Project guided decision-making process to assist small, beginning, and traditional dairy producers assess and implement management practices and systems that optimize use and value of manure nutrients while minimizing environmental and other associated risks. Using 36 completed dairy nutrient management surveys that provided comprehensive nutrient handling costs and nutrient values , 14 on-farm workshops to showcase and study nutrient handling systems, 5 small group on-farm assessment workshops and 5 soil analysis and nutrient management workshops, one educational video, and numerous developed educational materials, dairy producers and industry consultants learned best management practices for nutrient management optimization and decision making. 271 individual one on on consultations including 71 individual farm visits were conducted with 199 of those consultations resulting in changes and implementation of best management practices, strategies, and systems that reduced production, financial, and environmental risks associated with nutrient management while optimizing manure value to cropping operation and farm profitability.
Number of Participants: 1476
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