Project Overview
Agritourism can provide small and mid-sized farmers a means of diversifying their financial risk. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, with the help of an NCR-RME grant, we have developed an enthusiastic, informal agritourism network and created resources to help those interested in starting or expanding agritourism enterprises.
Sixty farm families received assistance in assessing and managing the risks involved in starting and running an agritourism enterprise. The assistance was provided through two indepth workshops that explored the aspects involved in running an agritourism enterprise including liability, marketing, complying with regulations, customer relations and human resources. We also assisted with two on-farm field days directed to woman farmers, which included an agritourism component.
Thirty-four participants received individualized coaching and assistance in completing a feasibility study for their proposed agritourism enterprise. This approach, while time intensive, was critical as this is a relatively new sector and information is not readily available - especially as it pertains to zoning and regulations.
A Farm Stay Manual, an online feasibility worksheet, and list of Wisconsin resources were also products of this project. The project has also resulted in some policy work within Minnesota that would decrease the risks of farmers having paying guests on their farms.
Number of Participants: 60
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