Project Overview
This program focuses on human, financial and legal risk arising from the lack of intergenerational communication, farm/ranch business transition, and estate planning. Participants will report they better understand components of farm and ranch transition including intergenerational communication, goal setting, tax and financial issues, transfer strategies, business entities, and personal estate planning. Participants will develop and implement a farm or ranch business transfer plan and an associated personal estate plan.
Delivery of the 10, five hour sessions for the 450 participants will be face-to-face, interactive workshops. Presenters will utilize PowerPoint and a 230 page workbook as the major educational materials. The workbook is designed as a take-home reference piece for farm and ranch families.
Primary target audience is farm and ranch families from Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. A secondary audience includes professionals that work with farm and ranch families such as attorneys, accountants, financial planners, insurance agents, ag lenders, and others.
Number of Participants: 402
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.