Project Overview
Educating Women on Human Risk for the Farm´s Sake used multiple educational strategies to fulfill the commitment of the Purdue Women in Agriculture team to provide educational opportunities, resources and networking to position all women for success in the agriculture industry through skill development, confident decision making, and personal well being.
An estimated 300 Indiana women who participated are better prepared to deal with succession and contingency planning, labor management issues and human relationships that are vital to the financial success and overall well being of the operation. Education was offered through introductory sessions at a state-wide conference, motivational speakers, a series of six regionally based hands-on workshops, interactive web based evalutaion tool and an educational publication. Women were encouraged to take an active role in discussion groups developed during participation in regional trainings for continued support and mentorship. Discussion groups are mentored by members of the Purdue Women in Agriculture team and other Extension staff.
Women who participated are motivated to become more involved in the aspects of human risk affecting their operations and used the skills gained to develop effective strategies to mitigate risk for their financial and emotional well being.
Number of Participants: 300
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