Project Overview
Missouri has experienced an 87% increase in Latino producers from 266 in 1992 to 444 in 1997; and estimates indicate over 600 in 2002. Latino producers are often isolated and unaware of state and federal services and programs. This project aims to increase the number of Latino producers using Risk Management tools/products, and to establish a Latino producers’ support network in four Missouri regions.
Five bilingual workshops with 100+ Latino producers will be conducted. As a result, producers will become aware of insurance plans, use production and financial risk management tools, and establish a support network. Producers will also meet with extension and insurance agents to discuss individual risk management options; and phone and e-mail communications will follow to further assist producers. We will empower 75 Latino producers through risk management education and networking; and extension and insurance agents will better understand Latino producers´ issues and eventually offer appropriate programs.
Number of Participants: 0
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