Project Overview
This project employed the AgFA Benchmarking database to assist WI producers in the high risk ´transition-into-farming´ group. This group generally borrows directly or receives loan guarantees from FSA, with the requirement they receive financial management education. It is intended that these farmers will build their knowledge-base and application of financial management, however, it isn´t evident that this is being achieved; producers are not reaching the next level in their financial planning. In response, this project involved four steps: 1) building an interface for AgFA to collect financial, production and descriptive data from the FSA financial records; 2) coordination of the project with FSA and lenders to participate in collecting data; 3) provision of statewide workshops on analyzing, benchmarking, and decision-making for farmers with their own AgFA reports in hand; and 4) provide participants with their report(s) against appropriate benchmarks.(182 total = producers, lenders, FSA officers, county agents)
Number of Participants: 182
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