Project Overview
The number of certified organic farmers in Idaho has been growing and producers have requested risk management training on organic production and marketing. This project focused on production and marketing risk management and was delivered through an assessment of organic producers’ risks and training needs, six field days, a farmer-to-farmer exchange, and a marketing conference. We targeted the 220 certified organic producers in Idaho and additional producers considering transition to organic production. One hundred fourteen organic producers assessed their farm operations and identified important risk management training needs. Through field days and one farmer-to-farmer exchange, 51 participants committed to implementing two new organic production methods in the 2010 growing season. At the end of the project, 43 of these participants had adopted changes as a result of the knowledge gained during the field days and exchange. At field days in summer 2010, 38 participants committed to implementing two new organic production methods. By the end of the year, 31 had already made progress in implementing these changes. At the organic marketing conference, 18 participants decided to develop or update their marketing plan and 16 committed to contacting new buyers.
Number of Participants: 198
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