This project provided educational and networking opportunities to help Tennessee farmers interested in agritourism to assess and manage price, financial and legal risk. The program included three workshops addressing farm safety and emergency preparedness, the adaption and teaching of customer service curriculum at eight workshops, the development of a compilation of agritourism resources in the Agritourism Ideas to Action Website, sessions at the 2014 Tennessee Agritourism Conference and opportunities for university students and Extension agents to participate in events offered.
A total of 360 people participated in programs offered: 151 at Southern Style Hospitality Seminars, 78 at safety/emergency preparedness workshops, 121 attending conference sessions about regulations and 10 Tennessee Tech attendees at the conference. A total of 149 participants increased their awareness of customer service as an important part of market planning and implementation. Forty-seven reported they evaluated their customer service values and/or performance and considered methods to implement or improve. Forty-seven participants reported they implemented new or improved customer service methods. Sixty-four participants increased their understanding of farm safety and/or emergency preparedness. Twenty-six evaluated their farm safety and emergency management procedures and established new procedures. Thirty-eight participants improved their understanding of regulations and how they apply to agritourism operations.