This project delivered risk management education to livestock and forage producers in Nebraska. The project provided 81 traditional cattle producers in the state with a half-day workshop experience learning about risk management insurance products and marketing plans. Specific programming efforts also targeted 386 beginning producers attending the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute in 2020 or 2021. A special hands on marketing experience incorporated into the 2021-22 Nebraska Ranch Practicum provided 23 of 30 participants in the Practicum with experience developing and implementing a cattle marketing plan. In addition, 94 people attended webinars focused on cattle marketing decisions, forage insurance, and/or drought decisions. Five other presentations were made to producer audiences with a total attendance of 125 people. Topics included forage insurance, LRP insurance and economically including forage as a cropping enterprise.
Three peer-reviewed BeefWatch articles on LRP or Annual Forage insurance were published through Nebraska Extension as a result of this project. Those articles were accessed by 1,057 unique individuals. One Cornhusker Economics article was also published on LRP insurance. All of these articles were also accompanied by a podcast.
This project reached an audience totaling 716 people with live presentations or workshops and over 1,000 other people with online articles.