Project Overview
The word ‘accounting’ can elicit different reactions from people, ranging from boredom to confusion to fear. Yet good accounting records are the foundation of a good risk management program. Accrual accounting adjusts cash records so that net income accurately measures the performance of the production process each year; cash taxable income does not accomplish that. The last few years, the UW-Extension and Wisconsin Technical College System have been conducting workshops with farm businesses to teach and implement basic accounting systems. The next step was to transition these businesses to accrual accounting techniques that would better address management decision-making needs. The purpose of this project was to develop both hands-on and take home lessons using QuickBooks for accrual accounting. Multiple media will be used in developing content for classroom curriculum. Lessons will cover the basics of accrual accounting using QuickBooks and using these records to assess profitability and risk management strategies.
Number of Participants: 125
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