Project Overview
Most farmers realize the importance of good records and enterprise analysis, but struggle organizing and maintaining them. This project attempted to wrap the entire beef and crop production records into one package, while providing the data needed for enterprise analysis. Five recordkeeping groups were formed over two years to pilot the project. Only two workshops were held for each group due to the overwhelming level of drought programming. The workshops included the basics of using QuickBooks, adapting it for farm use, and creating the reports needed for enterprise analysis. Only two participants were interested in completing a beef cow enterprise analysis but neither have followed through with completion. A mid-year meeting was held with two accountants, a QuickBooks educator and Extension staff to determine progress and suggested changes to the curriculum. Some modifications were made and communicated by email to participants. There continues to be large diversions between producer needs and accountant expectations for record keeping, particularly in terms of cash versus market value of assets. Participants understood the advantages of double entry accounting and the combination of accounting and year end reporting, however more work is needed to simplify the system, particularly in terms of market cattle.
Number of Participants: 45
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